Thanks to Grange Court, Leominster, for providing funding for the first 21 Faces and Voices of Leominster, with the help of Heritage Lottery Funding. Also for hosting the full exhibition from June to September 2017. I’m pleased that the audio content of this exhibition has now been made permanent, and is available during opening times along with a display of the portrait photographs that can be seen in the cafe.
Big thanks to Hannah Vernon, who was the Heritage Development Officer at Grange Court who saw the potential of doing this project and provided an abundance of much needed support. Thanks also to the LARC Development Trust for believing in the project and saying ‘yes’. The support of Pip, Phil and all the volunteers at Grange Court who kept the exhibition running smoothly and encouraged people to listen and see it.
Thanks also to Marsha O’Mahony for sending me great contacts for potential interviews, and to Ian Cass who designed and built the audio system and display boards.
Most importantly thanks to all of the Leominster people who took part and shared their stories for us to hear.
It is with great sadness that I have to report that both John Moss, Alec Haines, George Colley and Tony Hodges have passed away since participating in the project. Their faces and voices are greatly missed.